listen to your body

picture of headphones around a red heart

Listening to Music

This month we are reflecting on music!  The music that we choose to listen to can profoundly affect our moods, energy and outlook on life.   We all know that what we put into our body matters.  We usually think this about the food we eat and the liquids we drink.  But what we put […]

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person holding a letter board with the words be kind on it

Spreading Kindness

Somehow November has already found us!  As in years past, we are focusing on spreading kindness throughout our community this month.  November is also a wonderful month to focus on all that you are thankful for. Many will agree that although we are more connected than we have ever been thanks to all the amazing

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tower of stones is front of a sunset

Focus on Spiritual Health

Spiritual health is not something people talk about very often, but it is in fact another facet of your health that is very important!  When we talk about spiritual health we are not talking about religion, although often times these two can be closely related.   A way to assess your spiritual health is by looking

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