picture of a pair of glasses sitting on a book with a cup of coffee sitting next to them

Evaluating Morning Rituals

How do you love to start your day?  There are morning people… and there are those who just don’t love mornings.  Regardless which category you fall into, having a morning routine that works well for you is key to starting your day off on the right foot.

Whether you have 15 minutes or 2 hours to start your day, certain things can really help set you up for success.  A lot of finding your groove can be found through trial and error but having suggestions for things that help most people can be encouraging.  There is a great book called Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod that has a lot of great suggestions on a morning routine.  To simplify the book- he suggests every morning doing SAVERS –

S – Scribe – writing in a journal

A – Affirmations

V – Visualization (of the life you want)

E – Exercise

R – Reading (non-fiction)

S – Silence (meditation/prayer)

The length of time dedicated to each is dependent on the person’s time available, as well as the order.  Do you currently do any of the above?  Do you find it helpful?  Even if you do not do the whole list it is worth a try to see if they help start your day better.  

Our minds and bodies surprisingly do quite well with routine.  What does your current routine look like?  Are the things you choose to do in the morning serving you best?  What could you add, or take away?  

Have fun with it!  Try some new things and see how you feel.  Regardless of what you do, start the day with a smile and expect great things of your day!