We are filled up full with all the love and gratitude you have shared with us. If you have something to add, please email us. We would love to share how you have healed, grown and feel freedom with our care.
It's Like Going to See Family!
Keppy Family Chiropractic is more than a doctor’s office, it’s like going to see family. Whether it’s Tobi, Gary, Evan, Mackenzie or Gwyn, the warm welcome I receive the second the door opens fills my cup and my heart. I can’t help but smile and feel joy. Who doesn’t need more joy these days? This is reason enough to keep coming back, but Dr. Keppy made a lifetime patient the first time I met her 10 years ago.
I woke up one morning with debilitating back pain so severe I could hardly move. I had seen a chiropractor once in my life up to this point and swore I would never go again! But that morning, I was desperate for relief. I had been suffering from chronic back pain for years. I was hopeless, believing it was something I would live with the rest of my life – then I met Dr. Keppy. She is the solution!
For over a decade, Dr. Keppy has listened to my concerns, evaluated my condition, and developed a personalized treatment tailored to my needs. I have experienced significant improvements both physically and emotionally. I love the holistic approach Dr. Keppy takes to identifying the underlying causes of my discomfort.
Keppy Family Chiropractic has changed my life and empowered me to become the best version of myself. I am incredibly grateful to Dr. Keppy for her expertise, compassion, and dedication to helping me achieve optimal health.
~Jackie L
I'm Lighter and Happier!
I love going to Keppy Family Chiropractic not only to get adjusted but to release negative emotions that my body no longer needs. I’ve noticed I feel lighter and happier!
Thank you!
~Elena R.
No Surgery!
When I had a severe bout of sciatica, 12 years ago, Dr. Keppy took care of me! No surgery…No injections! Now I come once every three weeks to keep that sciatica pain at bay. My pant legs had a two inch difference before I started treatment. Now that I’m aligned, they are virtually the same length and am pain free for the most part. I only have minor twinges when I haven’t been there for awhile. Dr. Keppy and Tobi are so professional and kind!
~ Janet G.
A Lot Better!
Underneath my shoulders used to hurt a lot. I used to have stomach issues also.
Coming to Dr. Keppy has helped all of that. My stomach has gotten almost all better. It is really good to be back to normal.
~L. E. age 12
Super Nice!
My bones hurt a lot and Keppy Family Chiropractic helped me to not hurt as much. Dr. Keppy and Tobi are super nice and they believe in God.
~J. E. age 15
Gymnastics Better!
I had very bad tummy aches and I felt so sore until I started coming here. I’ve had almost no stomach aches and I don’t feel sore. Now gymnastics is much more fun and less hard.
~ C. E. age 10
Being in Alignment!
My gift to my heart and body each month is to visit Dr. Keppy and Tobi. It shows me how wonderfully I am made. I have deep respect for the knowledge D. Keppy has to interpret what my body needs. Being in alignment – Spirit, Soul, and Body brings abundant life. I thank the Lord for two women who encourage me to walk with my head up and embrace life.
God Bless both of you!
-Pat C.
The very BEST!
Dr Keppy is the BEST! The very BEST! She worked her “magic” – using her gift of healing to give me relief from lower back pain Thank you, Dr. Keppy! Keep up the amazing, healing work. You ROCK!
-Deb G.
Shoulder Relief!
During baseball I hurt my shoulder and arm. Coming here helped my shoulder by “putting it back in place” while changing my throwing motion. I like coming here because it is nice to get “a reboot every once in a while.” I also like to socialize with Ms. Tobi and Dr. Keppy!
-Tai H.
I like coming here because it helps me feel calm.
-Zoe S.
Worth Every Penny!
Dr. Keppy is Awesome. Worth every penny. I can sleep again!
-John R. Dundon II, EA
A Whole New Me!
There are no words to describe my experiences here. Dr Keppy and staff are outstanding in all they do and they take the time to make sure you are in top shape when you walk out the door. It is always a pleasure to visit! Dr Keppy has created a new me and it has allowed me to become even better then I ever was before!!
-Andrew P.
Happier Baby!
Our little guy had been having some pretty bad tummy issues. For several days he had been crying and was difficult to soothe, in obvious pain from constipation (he hadn’t had a poopy diaper for 2 days). I took him to Keppy Family Chiropractic where Dr. Keppy discovered his sacrum was quite out of alignment. Within 30min of his adjustment, his “diaper issue” had been rectified and he was able to nurse and fall asleep without pain.
Dr. Keppy has seen me/us through the entire pregnancy and the weeks since delivery. Her care is compassionate, informed, and effective. I cannot recommend her and chiropractic care in general highly enough!
Michelle B.
No More Aches and Pains!
Dr. Keppy is amazing! I was a definite skeptic when it came to chiropractic care until I was introduced to Dr. Keppy. I now see her on a regular basis and I feel so much better…no more aches and pains like I had before. I highly recommend Dr. Keppy!
-Stan Ferrin
Feeling So Much Better!
Dr. Keppy,
After being in pain (lower back) for years, I was a bit skeptical when you told me you would get me back in shape, but after three visits I’m feeling better now then I have in years.
Thank you,
John W.
TMJ Relief!
I have been coming to Dr. Keppy for about a year. I had lock jaw for four years. I was unable to fully extend my jaw (open my mouth) for four years straight. Upon my first visit, Dr. Keppy adjusted my cranial bones (Temporal) and I was able to open my mouth. To this day I have no popping, no pain, and no tightness in my jaw. I have been to special TMJ doctors, had mouthguards made, and had minimal improvement. My first visit with Dr. Keppy was a complete life change. I can now eat whatever I want to!
~ Wendy W.
Thank You Dr. Keppy!
Our son was born June 4, 2014 with two Ventricular Septal Defects (VSD) in his heart; one minor on the base of the left ventricle and one major between the two ventricles. We took our baby to a cardiologist at Children’s Hospital at one month of age. It was during that doctor visit that we found out how large and life threatening the major VDS was. We were told we needed to watch our baby for rapid breathing, turning purple, and sweating without cause. If we saw any of these symptoms, we would need to rush our baby to the emergency room for potential open heart surgery. My husband and I were so freaked out!
Thankfully, I have known Dr. Keppy for 15 years and my family and I have been going to her for adjustments religiously since she started her practice. It was only natural that we bring our new born son in for his very first adjustment at one week of age. Dr. Keppy was amazing with him! Not only did Dr. Keppy adjust him structurally after being cramped in the womb for 9 months, but she also tested his physiology and emotions using acupuncture points and homeopathic remedies. Dr. Keppy found that our son was in need of a heart remedy to repair and improve the function of his heart. We took our son to Dr. Keppy every two weeks for adjustments for the first three months of his life and every time he came up for the same heart repair remedy.
Our follow-up appointment with the cardiologist at Children’s Hospital was at three months. At this appointment the cardiologist couldn’t find any sign of the VSD’s! Not only were we totally relieved, but the cardiologist was amazed! She told us that based on the initial size of our son’s major VSD that IF his heart was to heal itself it wouldn’t be until he was two years of age, not three months! We firmly believe that Dr. Keppy along with the power of prayer healed our son. We are so thankful that she followed her calling and became a chiropractor! Thank you Dr. Keppy!
~ Courtney R.
A huge difference in my life!
Before seeing Dr. Keppy, I’d had pain in my lower back for at least the last ten years, and it had steadily gotten worse. It had gotten to the point that sitting for more than an hour hurt. Standing for more than an hour hurt. Just bending over to pick something up hurt. It was a relief to go to bed at night, but in the morning it still hurt. Getting out of bed hurt, and the first few steps every morning were always a challenge, and a painful indicator of how bad I would hurt during the day. Even with regular trips to the gym and the guidance of a personal trainer I still hurt. Every day was a delicate balance of being careful which way I moved, how I sat, and how long I could do any activity. Yes, I had tried other chiropactors before, but I didn’t like the way the adjustments felt, and I didn’t really like the way I felt afterwards.
I knew I needed to do something to improve the quality of my life, so I decided to try chiropractics and homeopathy with Dr. Keppy. At this point, anything would have been an improvement. We worked out a schedule and started treatments. Its now 3 months later, and I don’t even give my back a second thought anymore. My fix wasn’t instantaneous, or overnight, but I continually saw improvement. Each time after I was treated I would feel a little better for a little longer. Now I feel great all day, and I get up feeling refreshed and energized. I don’t worry about how carefully I need to move, or what my limitations are going to be each day. Now I think about all the things I can do, those things that no longer hurt, and all that pain is just a distant memory. I recommend Dr. Keppy to anyone and everyone. She’s made a huge difference in my life, and in my quality of life.
Reggi Coles
The answers I needed
A few weeks ago, I underwent a bunch of tests and even spent a few days in the hospital. The doctors could find nothing wrong. But I was still having pains. Dr. Keppy was the only one to diagnose imbalances in my body. Since seeing her, I have felt better. She has been amazing!
-Carin B.
Dr. Keppy adjusted us. It made me nice and healthy.
A.B. – 9 years old
Bladder trouble gone
Prior coming to Dr. Keppy I had to urinate frequently and urgently. After her treatments I feel like a young woman again! I feel that I am in much better shape structurally and so are my kidneys!
Why I Was Hurting
In 2010 I had a very serious fall. I had gone nearly a year with continuous pain in my hip.
I went to visit Dr. Jessica Keppy several times. Dr Keppy treated my injury with adjustments and homeopathics.
What I appreciated was her ability to educated me in the WHY I was hurting. She has the gift of listening to ones body and it’s needs. I would highly recommend Dr. Keppy to anyone with pain or simply needing preventative care.
~ Brigitte Ades
Answer To Our Prayers
Dr. Jessica Keppy was the answer to our prayers. My now 6 year old has struggled with asthma, primarily induced by illness, since she was 1. We had tried all the medications, spent a ton of time and money on taking her to doctors and specialists. Nothing was working, and in one year, she was in the Emergency Room 11 times. She would miss a week of school at a time, a couple of times a month, and be up all night, struggling to breathe. Then I started taking her to Dr. Keppy. Through regular adjustments, and remedies, my daughter has not been to the Emergency Room in over a year. She is off of all of her asthma medications. Now when she gets sick, which is MUCH less than before, we take her to Dr. Keppy and within hours (instead of days), we will see the difference in her. She once told me, “I am just a sick little girl” in her matter of fact child way, with such acceptance. Now, she is a healthy little girl, who is thriving and enjoying her childhood. I can never thank Dr. Keppy enough for what she has done for my daughter. She now cares not just for my daughter, but all 3 of my children and myself, and we are healthier than we have ever been. We are free of all the prescription medications that were masking our true health issues, and instead are experiencing true healing!
Patty Benton