the word gentleness on a green background with daisies


Have you ever heard of March being described as “in like a lion and out like a lamb?”  This refers to how the weather can feel in this month.  March (especially in Colorado) can often times bring some fierce cold and snow (lion) but often times towards the end can be amazing sunny spring weather […]

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red hearts spilling out of envelope with the word love

Focusing on LOVE

It may be cliche to be focusing on love in February, but what better time? With the stores displaying red and pink hearts and companies marketing love – it helps keep it top of mind.  There is so much that can be focused on when it comes to love, but specifically let’s think about how

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picture of headphones around a red heart

Listening to Music

This month we are reflecting on music!  The music that we choose to listen to can profoundly affect our moods, energy and outlook on life.   We all know that what we put into our body matters.  We usually think this about the food we eat and the liquids we drink.  But what we put

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person holding a letter board with the words be kind on it

Spreading Kindness

Somehow November has already found us!  As in years past, we are focusing on spreading kindness throughout our community this month.  November is also a wonderful month to focus on all that you are thankful for. Many will agree that although we are more connected than we have ever been thanks to all the amazing

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Silhouette of a person jumping across hilltops

Trying New Things!

This month’s focus is on trying new things!  It is SO, so good for your brain to try new things.  We often get stuck in the mundane of our day to day tasks and our brains easily turn to auto pilot.  Have you ever driven somewhere and then thought – “Wow I have no recollection

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Hands drawn on a chalkboard clapping and thumbs up

Celebrating Small Wins

When is the last time you celebrated YOU?  If you have recently had a birthday or accomplished something BIG you probably know exactly when. Otherwise it may be hard to think of the last time you took the time to tell yourself a job well done!  This month we are focusing on celebrating the small

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