Somehow November has already found us! As in years past, we are focusing on spreading kindness throughout our community this month. November is also a wonderful month to focus on all that you are thankful for.
Many will agree that although we are more connected than we have ever been thanks to all the amazing technology out there, our level of connection with others is not as deep as it used to be. Often times connection is through a quick text or “like” on social media. Or we may feel as though we are connecting with others on social media since we are seeing THEIR post or story.. yet it is one-sided. True connection takes both parties effort… and there is no substitute for face-to-face. Have you ever tried to have a conversation with a family member or friend who is on their phone and only giving you half of their attention? It can be rather frustrating! Unfortunately technology has replaced a lot of those daily connections and as a whole it feels as though it is making a world that is less kind. If we are not aware to what is going on in our world because we are constantly looking at a screen.. how can we even find moments to show kindness?
Our challenge for you throughout this month is to really focus on who and what is around you… and to show kindness. An unexpected smile or encouraging word or compliment can be plenty. That small act can completely change someone’s day. You of course can do big acts of kindness too! The best part is that kindness always comes back because it makes us feel good as well. And having someone show kindness to you makes you want to show kindness to others – it is a wonderful cycle!
How can you show kindness today?