This month we are focusing on creativity!
Creativity is AMAZING for your brain. It allows us to exercise our imaginations and usually do something we enjoy! Creativity is generally thought to be a right-sided brain activity but it actually stimulates both sides! Creativity helps us to express our feelings, relieve stress and develop better problem solving skills!
Creativity comes naturally to kids – just watch them for a couple hours and they will find numerous ways to be creative. As adults we tend to suppress the fun/creative sides of ourselves. If you can’t remember what creative practices you enjoy think back to your childhood – what things did you enjoy then? You likely will still enjoy them now!
If you already consider yourself a creative person, what other things might you do to expand your creative mind?
And remember creativity is not just reserved for art. You can be creative with cooking or dance or redecorating your home! The possibilities are endless!
If you come into the office this week we have a little take home gift to help stimulate your creative flow!
How can you add an hour of creativity to your week?