red hearts spilling out of envelope with the word love

Focusing on LOVE

It may be cliche to be focusing on love in February, but what better time? With the stores displaying red and pink hearts and companies marketing love – it helps keep it top of mind.  There is so much that can be focused on when it comes to love, but specifically let’s think about how you LOVE you body.

We can learn about what a person loves by how they spend their time and money.  How much time to you spend on taking care of your body on a daily basis?  Weekly basis?  How do you feel about spending money to take care of yourself?  How much do you invest in making sure you have the best health possible?  You may find some surprising answers.  

When thinking about our bodies specifically, we of course need the basics such as food, water and movement.  But the quality of these things can vary greatly.  And every day we have the choice of what we are putting in! We can choose to feed ourselves nourishing foods, or highly processed junk food.  We can drink filtered water, or soda.  We can sit all day, or we can move our bodies well and often.  Each decision is in investment in our future, or a deterrent.  

Chiropractic care is a wonderful way to show love to your body.  If your body and brain can communicate optimally, your health will be vastly improved.  Adjustments also keep joints moving well which keeps YOU moving well and prevents arthritis and injury.  

What can you do this month to show your body some love?  We only get this one body – let’s take great care of it!