the word gentleness on a green background with daisies


Have you ever heard of March being described as “in like a lion and out like a lamb?”  This refers to how the weather can feel in this month.  March (especially in Colorado) can often times bring some fierce cold and snow (lion) but often times towards the end can be amazing sunny spring weather (a lamb).  This month we are going to focus on the lamb and what many often associate with this sweet, soft animal – gentleness.

Take a moment to close your eyes and picture what gentleness looks like to you.  How does that make you feel?  

Gentleness is described as “the quality of being kind, tender, or mild-mannered.”  Another beautiful definition describes gentleness as “sensitivity of disposition and kindness of behavior, founded on strength and prompted by love.”

What does gentleness look like when we think about health?  How about when we think about our bodies?  Do you find you are gentle on yourself or do you find yourself to be stubborn and hard when it comes to how you take care of yourself?

What good can come of approaching life with more gentleness?  Would it mean a slower, more deliberate pace? Would it mean more patience and love with yourself if you had a day where you didn’t make the health choices you had hoped?  A lot of good can come with taking this approach.  Often times we are too hard on ourselves!

The world often comes fast at us fast and furious, let’s make an intentional shift this month!